Speaking Strategy – one session

This session is for you if you’re new to public speaking (or have had a break) and are looking for some foundational ideas or support to restart.

This program is not for you if:

  • You’re experienced, or speak regularly with a reasonable level of competence.

Consider the Accelerated Speaking, Speakers Confluence® or Speakers Partner® program instead.

You might be looking for:

  • What you’ll need to reach a specific speaking goal.
  • Suggestions on how to start creating or practising for a talk or presentation.

Invest an hour with me, and I guarantee you’ll leave with clarity, tailored advice and techniques.

Your Investment: $352 AUD  (inc. GST for Australian residents).
Reduced rate available for students – feel free to contact me.

Speaking Breakthrough – two sessions

Speaking Breakthrough gives you advice and support, plus tools to practise and test in between sessions. It’s ideal for interview skills advice and practice.

These coaching sessions will help you whether you’re afraid of public speaking, or need more clarity and ideas about what to do next.

It’s also ideal if you need to improve your interview skills: maybe you’ve struggled in recent interviews and been disappointed. You’re looking for advice, tools and testing. 

This program is not for you if:

  • You’re experienced, or already speak regularly with a reasonable level of competence.

Consider the Accelerated Speaking, Speakers Confluence® or Speakers Partner® program instead.

You might be looking for:

  • What you’ll need to reach a specific speaking goal.
  • Suggestions on how to start creating or practising for a talk or presentation.
  • How to successfully get through an interview, without memorising lines, sounding robotic, freezing or rambling (we can work on any/all of these issues).

I guarantee you’ll leave with clarity, positivity, frameworks, and tailored advice and techniques.

You’ll also get relevant resources and exercises to keep.

Take away uncertainty and learn what works for you personally, to give your speaking a real edge.

Investment: $594 AUD (inc. GST for Australian residents).
Reduced rate available for students – feel free to contact me.

Sarah Denholm - Mission statement quote

How does Speaking Breakthrough work?

We have two x 1-hour sessions face-to-face in Blackburn Melbourne, or online.

In 2022, I was invited to interview for numerous jobs but was the ‘second best candidate’ each time. I was recommended Sarah Denholm as a coach and had several sessions with her. After putting her advice into practice, I received three job offers from leading organisations in my field.

18 months later I applied for my boss’s job and engaged Sarah again as a coach. I was offered a promotion at my current workplace and three days later was offered a job at a different company.

Every time I’ve worked with Sarah, she has guided me in a way that reveals my best attributes and how she suggests improvements makes me feel more confident. I attribute the success I’ve had largely to her coaching.  

Naomi LennoxFaculty Services - University of Sydney

Being a lawyer, public speaking is something I have to do regularly. I had previously been a confident speaker until, out of nowhere, I suffered a crisis of confidence. I saw Sarah for two sessions. She was exceptionally understanding and patient. She gave me really practical and specific strategies that worked to not only build my confidence, but to also improve my public speaking resilience, ability and skill. 

I highly recommend seeing Sarah if you’re struggling with confidence and/or want a specifically tailored program for improvement.

Ruth BarsonHuman rights lawyer, Melbourne

Working with Sarah has been amazing for my confidence and for changing my experience of public speaking. I actually enjoy it now!

Prior to my sessions with Sarah I was too much in my head and not trusting myself and my content.

Her techniques and the wealth of experience that she brings to sessions have been invaluable. I highly recommend working with Sarah to do exactly as it says on the box: Improve Your Public Speaking!

Christie FloraOwner - FlorAndOrder