Tag - afraid of public speaking

Public Speaking Fear Roadblocks and How to Get Past Them

Public Speaking Fear Roadblocks and How to Get Past Them

Do you put up public speaking fear roadblocks? Do they stop you from achieving your goals…or one goal in particular? Are you just completely "over" it? In this post, I’ll discuss some common types of fear, and three ways to get past  your own fear roadblocks and improve your public speaking. And settle in: this is a long article, as I want to go into some detail.  I used to be one of those incoherent, incapable "I'm only pretending to be here, don't look at me!" speakers. When I remember awful, spotlit...

12 Essential Truths About Public Speaking, Fear and Growth

12 Essential Truths about Public Speaking, Fear and Growth

12 Essential Truths about Public Speaking, Fear and Growth Speaking in public is a complex activity with a lot of moving parts: especially when fear is involved, as it so often is: it brings up vulnerability and challenges for so many of my clients (and before I learned how to work through it in the right ways, for me). From recent conversations with clients and what's resonated with them, I've distilled some of my observations about public speaking, fear and growth which I believe to be true, and hopefully useful...

Energy – Are you Missing this Vital Element for Speaking Success?

Your energy as a sparkler Having enough energy when presenting to carry your audience along with you - and get your message across - is a vital part of being a good presenter. I believe this is one reason why people are so often afraid of public speaking: because they know, even subconsciously, that they're ultimately responsible for the energy in the room and they have to lead it - and that's a real challenge if you're not comfortable with speaking to groups. The audience takes their cue from you: why should they respond and care about your presentation if you...