Tag - good presenter

The Ultimate Motivation to Improve your Speaking Skills?

Ultimate Motivation to Change? We're guaranteed two things in this life: Nothing stays the same Death Now I'm not someone who has an easy relationship with the idea of death - far from it! But over the past 10 months I've lost my father, mother-in-law and aunt - and that's made it much harder to push away the knowledge that I too will die one day (and those whom I love). And along with that uncomfortable awareness, I've frequently found a new boldness to ignore my 'what-if's', particularly in business, and take action anyway. You know them I'm sure - the nagging...

Energy – Are you Missing this Vital Element for Speaking Success?

Your energy as a sparkler Having enough energy when presenting to carry your audience along with you - and get your message across - is a vital part of being a good presenter. I believe this is one reason why people are so often afraid of public speaking: because they know, even subconsciously, that they're ultimately responsible for the energy in the room and they have to lead it - and that's a real challenge if you're not comfortable with speaking to groups. The audience takes their cue from you: why should they respond and care about your presentation if you...