Tag - storytelling in presentations

For More Influence, Try Grounded Cognition

What does your brain do when you hear the word 'pepper'? What about 'grasp'? Or 'hat'? All these words fire up not just your language circuits, but different senses through other relevant brain circuitry. 'Pepper' activates your taste circuits. 'Grasp', your motor movement circuits. 'Hat' - visual circuits. Whatever you see as a hat from past experience fires up the 'seeing' part of your brain. To influence more effectively, we can improve our chances of motivating our audiences by using language that's: Concrete Specific We'll come back to examples of these in a moment. By being concrete and specific, we build a richer, more powerful experience for...

Stories as Light, Web or Glue

Stories as light, web or glue.

Do you use stories or case studies as part of your communication process to engage or influence an audience? If you do - and I hope that's the case - you probably know that there’s a lot of information out there about the best ways to create and deliver one effectively. So I want to keep today's concept simple: it's about using three specific lenses to categorise your stories. Doing this can help you to see them in new ways, and have more impact. Note: these story categories relate to working across sectors to effect systems change,...

Persuading Through Data And Stories – What We Can Learn From Nonprofits

Persuading Through Data And Stories

Updated 2019 When your goal is to persuade your audience about an idea or argument, how much do you use stories? And by story, I just mean a human example - nothing long or elaborate needed. You've probably heard about storytelling in presentations, and there are many different resources to help you use them effectively. Persuading Through Data and Stories But in my work with clients I still often see reluctance to go beyond the data - and don't get me wrong: facts, logic, data, they're all crucial. But...numbers don't engage your audience unless they understand where...